Made by Marion

Saturday, August 23, 2014

This is a new work called Hence and it is the first in a triptych.  It started life as part of what might have been a group exhibition based on our origins. This is quite a common theme in Australia as a lot of us come from other countries.  However, when nothing came of that idea, I decided to use it in a small series called Hence, Whence, Thither and Yon.
Well the first one is done and the second one is in progress.
As my heritage is Britain, I chose to base this piece on the colours often used for genetic charts and I used a universally recognised outline for humans. I reckoned that my genetic makeup would consist of lots of different ancestors and I let the imagination roam.  The red ones are Vikings, of course, and there would be a group of Scots and Picts and Angles and Jutes and probably even Spanish from the Armada and just maybe a bit of genetic material from the original settlers way back in the bogs and mist of the old days.
I'll put the next one up when I finish it.


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